In an ever-changing landscape, 组织总是努力在竞争中领先一步. 把精力集中在提高公司的各个方面是一种有效的方法. 在RYAN,我们知道如何让我们的客户以有效的速度运行. 我们的软件开发帮助我们创造持久的印象,不断增加业务运营的成功.
Technical Approach
RYAN团队提出的针对当前SOW的敏捷开发方法论过程(ADMP)是通过裁剪RYAN的CMMI来开发的® Maturity Level 3 prescribed organizational procedure for Agile projects. 它还包括我们从实施可变范围项目的经验中吸取的教训, size, and complexity.
我们的ADMP是一份总体文件,提供了对项目如何运作的共同理解. 它概述了将用于管理项目和相关产品的敏捷过程,同时描述了将在项目生命周期中执行的活动. This living document will be provided to all project team members, through a centralized project repository.
In accordance with principles found in Scrum, Kanban, XP, SAFe®, and Lean methodologies, 我们实现了一个基于以下原则构建的敏捷解决方案:质量构建, relentless improvement, innovation, consistent collaboration, and transparency. 敏捷解决方案将与保证项目进度的计划管理办公室(PMO)紧密结合, milestones, resource allocations, and risks are shared with all key stakeholders and decision makers.
对于所有的现代化工作,Ryan使用了一种混合方法,如图所示的Water-Scrum-Fall Figure 1, 它将敏捷开发方法与传统的上游企业级规划(Water-Scrum)和下游需求集成在一起, development, testing and deployment processes (Scrum-Fall). 这种混合方法通过提供以下阶段来支持瀑布法的前期需求和设计过程,以及我们Scrum方法中的迭代开发方法:
Planning – 在这个阶段,我们将根据决策者制定的战略目标制定一个基于功能的发布路线图.
Development – during this phase we will use Scrum, which provides for frequent, 以有时间限制的迭代方式发布高质量的版本,确保所有相关的利益相关者在整个开发周期中都得到通知和参与. 这个阶段将包括使用优先产品待办事项列表的im体育官网app下载开发, feature development and testing.
Deployment – 这个阶段将包括变更控制委员会(CCB)对生产版本的批准, performing the releases, user training and creation of other required documentation.
团队RYAN建议进行发现会议,以便更好地理解项目范围和愿景. In Sprint 0, 我们的敏捷项目经理和Scrum Master将促进焦点小组, onboarding, technology spikes and user story mapping sessions. Utilizing lessons learned forged from past experiences, 我们的团队将领导一系列计划会议,使组织目标与高层路线图保持一致,并定义最小可行产品(MVP)。. 团队RYAN将在此阶段进行项目规划,以清除高级别需求, epics user stories and releases. Upon completion of project planning, 最初的待办事项整理会议将开始于将史诗分解为用户im体育官网app下载,并与优先级的产品待办事项一起累积.
Upon completion of project planning, 我们的敏捷团队将开始将史诗分解为详细的用户im体育官网app下载,并根据优先级划分产品待办事项列表. Team RYAN’s core principles is to not “over promise and under deliver”. Our team will achieve this goal by conducting Planning Poker Sessions. 这些会议允许团队评估用户描述的工作水平(LOE). The Product Owner/Business Analyst presents user stories, the team briefly discusses each story, 产品负责人回答问题,澄清具体的用户im体育官网app下载. 团队成员将使用修改的斐波那契序列,根据复杂性和LOE对用户im体育官网app下载进行评分. 评分是匿名完成的,以消除其他团队成员的影响. If there is a large variance in story points among the team, then outliers elaborate the rationale behind their estimates. Using this new information, the team estimates again, and this process iterates until sufficient consensus has been reached.
在Water-Scrum-Fall的Scrum阶段,每个Sprint都将开始于 Sprint Planning. During Sprint Planning, the Product Owner, with input from the Scrum Master and development team, will build the Sprint backlog with high priority user stories, that collective form a feature, until the team’s capacity is reached. 作为我们Scrum流程的一部分,敏捷团队将参与每日站立会议. During the daily stand-ups, each team member will share the previous day’s accomplishments, 讨论即将进行的活动,并报告Scrum Master要解决的障碍. 开发人员将从Sprint backlog中提取用户im体育官网app下载,一旦用户im体育官网app下载代码完成, 单元测试和同级评审将在代码提交到基线之前执行. As part of the continuous integration, 签入的代码将启动一个构建,并服从于自动回归, integrated and compliance tests. 这为开发人员提供了即时反馈,并支持“快速失败”和“构建质量”的精益原则。. In addition to the development activities for the Sprint, Scrum团队和产品负责人将在每个Sprint中至少进行一次待办事项梳理会议,以维护待办事项的优先级. 优先排序的待办事项列表至少有两个sprint的im体育官网app下载可供开发. 如果Scrum团队在Sprint期间有额外的能力,这种实践的好处将使Sprint计划会议更有效地运行,并且可以实现可行的im体育官网app下载. At the end of the Sprint, the Scrum Master will lead a Sprint Review 其中产品负责人将为Sprint中的每个用户描述提供用户接受或拒绝. Team RYAN uses the Sprint Retrospective to continuously reflect on how to become more effective, 然后通过快速将改进融入到后续的sprint中来微调和调整其行动.